Saturday, June 18, 2016


Here is one post addressed especially for teachers. It is a grade 4 fractions lesson created with Activinspire.
This lesson has various objectives (See below the lesson plan) so definitely it won't be covered in one session. Feel free to edit the lesson as you see fit.

Click here to access the file of the lesson.
Please click here to download Activinspire software to be able to access the file.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Area & Perimeter

This lesson is designed to grade 5 students. After teaching this lesson and experiencing the difficulties that students face to memorize the formulas of the area and the perimeter of each shape. I designed a brochure and a movie to help the students recognize them.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Didactic Game

There is nothing better than learning while playing. Here comes our didactic game.
This didactic game is targeting grade 4 students in order to assess their knowledge in an amusing way regarding decimals. This lesson is included in the Lebanese curriculum and I teach it to my students as a unit. In other words, “decimals” is a unit divided into 6 lessons covered in two weeks, followed by a test wrapping all the unit. The game should be played after covering the whole unit (6 lessons) and before doing the test.

This game cannot be played individually; it should be done through groups while the teacher is simply a facilitator. His/her job is to divide the students among five groups. It’s advised to have 5 students in each group since the game contains 5 levels and all groups will go through them.

Click here for further information about the game.

Some questions include direct feedback while others not. That’s why the teacher should be assessing students work and marking grades for each group. In order to have a winner at the end of the game.
Here is a demo about the game.

Click here to download the game.
Please note that this game is done using Activinspire, if you don't have it please click here to download the software.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Polygons is a lesson divided into different branches. To master this lesson, students should acknowledge the order of the polygons. A map is done to serve this objective.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Number One

For me, relating math into real life is essential, and it gives us as educators the opportunity to enhance the process of delivering our message.
One of the biggest dilemma’s that students fight for on a daily basis is sharing. Sharing is demonstrated in different life situations such as: “he took the bigger half, you gave her more pieces than me, the table is not being shared equally among us” and more and more.

For this reason, the following activity is about fractions. The activity is done using Zaption: students will watch a movie and answer questions throughout the video.

Note that this lesson is included in the Lebanese curriculum and covered in grade 3.
Click here to check the scanned pages of the lesson from the book I use.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Doing the Dishes

This is an activity on quarter using comic strips in order to make a funny and evaluative lesson at the same time.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

An Ice Breaker

Educators use surveys as an advanced way to test students. Surveys can be used for different purposes as pre-tests, post-tests, find out about students’ interest, and collect feedback. Although surveys are useful in all the listed purposes previously, but I think I would use a survey for a complete different goal.
The first day of school always needs an ice breaker. Even if the students know you, and worked with you for the last 2 years or more they still wonder. Did she change this year? Is she going to do something new? What are we going to learn? How is she going to teach us?
And as all educators now, students do not spend time on their summer work so most probably they forgot almost everything. I would prefer to use the following survey as an ice breaker for the first session in a grade 5 class. Questions will be about different topics covered in grade 4.
This will be done to:

  • Break the ice.
  • Assess students’ knowledge on prior concepts.
  • Remind students about prior concepts.
  • Let the students have fun while solving the survey online.

  • Create your own user feedback survey

    Saturday, June 11, 2016

    Classroom Rules

    "Teacher should train their students through direct instruction, close supervision and excess of practicing, in order to specify the rules, limits and authority" Ronald MORRISH.

    In order to apply Morrish's quote teachers need to work on their classrooms rules and post them in class. Here is an example of an infographic I did.

    Thursday, June 9, 2016

    Let's Meet Mr. Tiny!

    In his school days, Tiny Miny had a little round face and round eyeglasses. Today, Mr. Tiny is a talented young man. He is made of different polygons and few curves. His nose looks like a carrot. His hands look like a door handle! His body has a rectangular shape, while his circular cheeks have the same size as his eyes. His feet are too thin so he can run fast in order to take you through amazing mathematical adventures full of excitement and joy. Here comes Mr. Tiny; just scroll down a little bit.
    Mr. Tiny